About Vivertana
“Vivertana” is an organization focused on the distribution, installation and training on the International Center for Diffraction Data “(ICDD) databases and software” to the Indian universities, research institutions and industry. The name Vivertana is based on the definition given in Shabdkosh for diffraction. विवर्तन पैटर्न stands for diffraction pattern, विवर्तन अध्ययन for diffraction studies and विवर्तन डेटा for diffraction data.
Matter exists in three phases, Gases, Liquids and Solids depending on the temperature and pressure of the surroundings. All solid materials have a characteristic diffraction pattern particularly when they are in crystalline form which serves as a fingerprint for unique identification
X-ray Diffraction (XRD) is a technique used for determining the atomic and molecular structure of a crystalline material, in which the crystalline structure causes a beam of incident X-rays to diffract into many specific directions as governed by the well known Bragg’s law. Powder XRD is used extensively for the identification of phases by measuring the diffraction angles and intensities of these beams, and comparing the resulting diffraction pattern to a reference database. The reference data is compiled in the ICDD database and consists of nearly 1,186,000 entries with well defined classification based on the properties of the given crystalline substance. The diffracted beams appear as peaks and any deviation observed can be identified and quantified using the software available along with the database. It is helpful to analyze the product prepared by the user, check the purity and repeatability. For example, in the manufacture of a pharmaceutical compound, if in case there are deviations in such quantification of diffraction data, the product becomes unacceptable for consumption. Hence, evaluation of a product prepared in the laboratory via X-ray diffraction studies becomes an essential and vital component in manufacturing and design of desired products. Diffraction data thus becomes an unequivocal requirement to prove the final product purity, reproducibility and stability on storage. With the sudden surge in the growth of industry in India, the research and development wing of each such establishment needs the database, and it is the intent of Vivertana to license, train and implement.
The International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) located at 12, Campus Boulevard, Newtown Square, PA 19073-3273 United States maintains a database of powder diffraction patterns, the Powder Diffraction File (PDF), including the d-spacings (related to angle of diffraction) and relative intensities of observable diffraction peaks. Patterns may be experimentally determined, or computed based on crystal structure and Bragg's law. It is most often used to identify substances based on X-ray diffraction data, and is designed for use with a diffractometer. The PDF contains more than a million unique material data sets. The ICDD produces materials databases, characterization tools, and educational materials, as well as organizing and supporting global workshops, clinics and conferences. Products and services of the ICDD include the paid subscription based Powder Diffraction File databases (PDF-2, PDF-4/Minerals, PDF-4/Axiom, PDF-5+ and ICDD Server Edition), educational workshops, clinics, and symposia. ICDD also provides the JADE software (A product of MDI) to collect, analyze, and simulate XRD data and solve issues in an array of materials science projects.
California-based Materials Data has created XRD applications for over thirty years, enjoying a well-earned reputation for being pioneers of implementing new scientific ideas and novel approaches into our XRD Applications. We were the first to include Whole Pattern Fitting and Rietveld methods, long before others realized the impact. We were the earliest to create patterns from structures which showcased the importance of pattern simulation. We can claim the k-alpha cursor’s many uses as part of our contribution to the XRD community. We started out by building tools that we wished existed for ourselves and our fellow XRD community. We continue on this path today. Our products are used for analysis on every continent in the world (yes, even Antarctica) and across a broad spectrum of fields of research, education and exploration.
MDI is best known for JADE and is used in labs wherever X-ray powder diffraction data are explored. MDI software works universally with every manufacturer of XRD equipment to help provide unbiased results. The major components of Jade available along with ICDD date base are as follows:
WHOLE PATTERN FITTING + RIETVELD: Quantify weight percentages and identify minor phases quickly and easily. JADE even automates these tasks as soon as you load your pattern.
SIMULATION AND VISUALIZATION: Simulate patterns to create your own custom database. Better visualize a structure in dimension with motion. Visual cues throughout to better help you and your team understand the materials you are analyzing.
CLUSTER ANALYSIS: Sorting through lots of similar patterns is easier to find outliers with our extensive cluster toolset. Use cluster analysis to find emerging patterns across your data.
FLEXIBLE MULTI-SEAT LICENSE: We make it easy to collaborate with others. With a flexible multi-seat license a large team can share a license across seats by determining the number of concurrent users. Additional savings can be achieved through a multi-year licensing plan that provides the benefit of always having up-to-date tools for your team.
JADE WORKS THE WAY YOU DO: We know you’re busy, always learning new methods and that you need to work with others. We’ve built JADE around how you work today – to help you get your work done faster and to try out the latest ideas in the world of X-ray Diffraction.
ONE-CLICK ANALYSIS: Automate your analysis with JADE. In so many cases, it’s just one click and you’re done. Often these results are better than those an experienced analyst could report and in a more timely manner. At the very least our One Click Analysis™ serves as an excellent starting point for further in-depth analysis.
Vivertana not only provides the Indian fraternity easy purchasing access to the ICDD data base but also assist in installation, training of personnel on the handling and usage of the ICDD database ( along with JADE software). Vivertana can also provide consultancy services to industry to assist in characterization of products and technical advice towards the desired products for the industry.

Co - Founders
Professor T. N. Guru Row
Professor T. N. Guru Row is an internationally well recognized crystallographer who has published widely and has the reputation of guiding over 35 students for their PhD degree at the Indian Institute of Science. He has worked on the development of powder diffraction methodology over the last three decades apart from his expertise on charge density analysis, accurate high resolution single crystal structure and function analysis. He is also popular as an expert teacher in the area and has close interactions with several pharmaceutical industries. He has successfully conducted several workshops and seminars on powder diffraction and in general structure analysis. He is closely associated with instrument manufacturers like Bruker, Panalytical and Rigaku and has participated in the workshops and training schools run by these companies. He is currently working at the Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit of the Indian Institute of Science as an emeritus professor and also as an INSA senior Scientist. He has nearly 500 publications to his credit. He is one of the early scientists to develop the ab-initio protocols for structure determination using powder diffraction data and is an expert in indexing, phase characterization Rietveld refinement methods. He is a consultant to several pharmaceutical industries in India and has assisted them in polymorph characterization of APIs.
Professor Arun M Umarji
Professor Arun M Umarji is an internationally well recognized Experimental Materials Scientist who has published widely and has the reputation of guiding over 32 students for their PhD and MSc (Eng.) degree at the Indian Institute of Science. He has worked on the development novel materials by a variety of synthesis methods over the last four decades. His group has built several research facilities indigenously for processing of ceramics and physical property characterization. He has taught several courses Materials synthesis and characterization, including X-Ray and Neutron powder diffraction methods. He has conducted several workshops and seminars on behalf of Materials Research Society of India, Indian Ceramic Society and other organizations. Has successfully executed several projects of Indian Government agencies, International agencies and research organizations. He has over 260 research publications to his credit.
Inception details
Vivertana Distributors Pvt Ltd is incorporated on 12 May 2023 and is being alloted
CIN : U74909KA2023PTC173576. The Certificate of Incorporation is issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt of India.
GSTIN : 29AAJCV3903B1ZG. Udyam Registration Certificate : UDYAM-KR-03-0317176.
Certificate of Commencement of Business is issued by the Registrar of Companies, Karnataka on 5 July 2023. and GeM Seller Id: KVZC230010586945 , is issued by Govt of India.
StartupIndia Certificate No:DIPP189224, is issued by Govt of India.
Prof. T N Guru Row, Prof. Arun Umarji, Ms. Jayshree A Umarji and Ms Lata Row are the initial shareholders of the company.
1. To undertake licensing,
distribution and training of
International Center for
Diffraction Data (ICDD) for
Research and Development
organizations, educational
institutions and industry in India.
To obtain and distribute the
various packages offered by
including PDF 5+, PDF2,
JADE to various Rand D services
industries, universities and
government organizations along
with the licensing.
2. To aid in installation of
the packages with basic training
in understanding and utilizing
the contents of the database.
Expert opinion on product
evaluation will be provided case
by case basis on payment basis.
3. To conduct periodic
workshops and training
programs for both experts and
beginners at various centers. This
will also include active
participation in ICDD organized
workshops nationwide as regional experts.
Board of Directors

Prof. T N Guru Row
Chief Executive & Director
Prof. Arun Umarji
Director (Operations)
Mrs Jayshree A Umarji
Director (Finance)
Mrs Latha Row
Director (Client Relations & Services)Training
ICDD collaborates with CSD (Cambridge Structural Data Base), LPF and NIST, FIZICSD.
ICDD and Vivertana, jointly organise based on the request by the potential users, hands-on training sessions.
Vivertana has experts with several decades of experience in the area of powder X-ray diffraction and who have extensively utilized the ICDD database for their research. Depending on the requirements at the Universities, colleges and industry training on the basics of XRD and use of ICDD database both as an educational tool as well as for research and development. Training will be imparted both at our local offices and at workshops organized from time to time at different centers in the country and also at site on request by the organization.
Vivertana will support all the listed documents under the ICDD package and will assist in installation, training and additionally will support in getting updates annually.
PDF® Database Products , Wef: 1 September 2024
JADE® SOFTWARE PRODUCTS , Wef: 1 September 2024
Release 2025 of the Powder Diffraction File™ (PDF) contains 1,186,076 material data sets. Each data set contains diffraction, crystallographic and bibliographic data, as well as experimental, instrument, and sampling conditions, and select physical properties in a common standardized format. The PDF databases are designed to solve your material problems. The PDF is produced in several different formats in order to serve different groups of users.
PDF Databases – The Best Just Got Better!
More data, higher quality, more content, many types of solid state reference data
Download Quotation Form Download
News & Updates
Udyam Registration Certificate : UDYAM-KR-03-0317176
Certificate of Commencement of Business issued by the Registrar of Companies, Karnataka on 5 July 2023
CIN : U74909KA2023PTC173576 Certificate of Incorporation issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt of India on 12 May 2023
GeM Seller Id: KVZC230010586945
StartupIndia Certificate No: DIPP189224
Three workshops are planned to be held in November and December 2024.
1.Central Electro Chemical Research Institute at Karaikudi on December 10 and 11 2024.2.Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT), Nagpur on November 25 and 26, 2024.
3.The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, India on November 21 and 22, 2024.
These workshops will be conducted by experts from ICDD , USA and by the experts from Vivertana.
Three workshops are planned to be held in December 2023.
1. International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials (ARCI) at Hyderabad on December 4 and 5 2023.2. University of Goa on December 7 and 8, 2023.
3. Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB) at Thrivandrum on December 12 and 13, 2023.
These workshops will be conducted by experts from ICDD , USA and by the experts from Vivertana.